
DeepSets and their derivative networks for solving symmetric PDEs *.

Deep backward scheme, Exchangeability, Mean-field control, Permutation-invariant PDEs, Symmetric neural networks

Application of binary decision diagrams for the analysis of consistent and non-consistent fault trees in the presence of uncertainties.

Analyse des arbres de défaillance, Arbres de défaillance non-cohérents, Belief functions, Binary decision diagrams, Decision making, Decision trees, Dempster-Shafer theory, Diagrammes de décision binaire, Epistemic uncertainty, Facteurs d'importance, Fault tree analysis, Fonctions de croyances, Graphic methods, Important measures, Imprecise probabilities, Incertitudes épistémiques, Non-coherent fault trees, Probabilités imprécises

Integral Operator Riccati Equations Arising in Stochastic Volterra Control Problems.

Infinite-dimensional Lyapunov equation, Integral operator Riccati equation, Linear-quadratic control, Stochastic Volterra equations

Rate of convergence for particles approximation of PDEs in Wasserstein space *.


Intangible assets and company performance: influence of CSR on intangible assets and associated performance in mutuals and innovative CAC 40 companies.


Joint optimization of production and condition-based maintenance scheduling for make-to-order manufacturing systems.


Epidemic crises and the global economy.


Mean Field Games Flock! The Reinforcement Learning Way.


Pollution permits and compliance strategies.


Platform-based 5G service design and orchestration.

5G networks, Cloud-native technology, L1 optimization, Optimization L1, Orcherstration des services, PaaS, Radio access networks, Réseaux 5G, Réseaux d'accès radio, Service orchestration, Technologies cloud-native

Collectives for exchanging practices to green agriculture: shedding light on the difficulties of a voluntary approach.

Agroecology, Agroécologie, Collectifs, Collectives, Confiance, Confidence, Innovation, Knowledge, Practices, Pratiques, Savoirs

To the good health of all Europeans! For a single European health agency.

Agence de santé européenne unique, Gestion d’une pandémie, Politique d’investissement, Politique européenne de santé, Prévention, Santé