
Modeling Technology Transfer between a Technology Transfer Center and SME.

Model, Observation, Technology transfer, Technology transfer center

Towards a history of administrative intelligence.

Administration, Fonction publique, Sociologie administrative, État

Workers’ Employment Rates and Pension Reforms in France: The Role of Implicit Labor Taxation.


Implications of homeownership policies on land prices: the case of a French experiment.

Homeownership Policies, Inflation effects, Land Prices

Calibrating Long-Term Trade Baselines in General Equilibrium.


Governance structure and the helix theory: a study on H2020 automated road transport projects.


Managing technical reputation: Regulatory agencies and evidential work in risk assessment.


Application of contract theory to energy regulation problems, and study of the joint laws of a martingale and its running maximum.

Capacity market, Decarbonation, Décarbonation, Marché des capacités électriques, Martingale and running maximum, Martingale et son maximum courant, Moral hazard, Principal-Agent, Risque moral

The Place of Walking in Mobility as a Service: Appraisal of Active Modes for Sustainable MaaS Solutions.


On the population least‐squares criterion in the monotone single index model.


Quantifying uncertainty in asset management : Kernel methods and statistical fluctuations.

Concentration Inequalities, Covariance matrix estimation, Estimation de la matrice de covariance, Heavy tails, Inégalité de concentration, Kernel methods, Méthodes à noyau, Portfolio theory, Quantification d'incertitudes, Queues épaisses, Théorie du portefeuille, Uncertainty Quantification

Public Attention to Environmental Issues and Stock Market Returns.