
The Delphi and GRADE methodology used in the PSOGI 2018 consensus statement on Pseudomyxoma Peritonei and Peritoneal Mesothelioma.

Delphi consensus, GRADE system, Peritoneal mesothelioma, Peritoneal surface malignancies, Pseudomyxoma peritonei

Retraction Note: Dishonesty is more affected by BMI status than by short-term changes in glucose.


Homogenization of the backward-forward meanfield games systems in periodic environments.


Quantifying uncertainties in asset management: kernel methods and statistical fluctuations.

Concentration Inequalities, Covariance matrix estimation, Estimation de la matrice de covariance, Heavy tails, Inégalité de concentration, Kernel methods, Méthodes à noyau, Portfolio theory, Quantification d'incertitudes, Queues épaisses, Théorie du portefeuille, Uncertainty Quantification

Legal rules, information transparency and Islamic bank capital decisions.


Hydrogen and the energy transition in transport. Some contributions from economic theory.


Land is back, it should be taxed, it can be taxed.

Capital Wealth Housing Land Optimal tax First best Second best

Corporate focus, residential assets, and the performance of French REITs.

Diversification, REITS, Residential real estate market

The Quantum Cut-and-Choose Technique and Quantum Two-Party Computation.


The Impact of Fintechs on Financial Intermediation: A Functional Approach.


Controversy: To what extent can the employer take into account the employee's vaccination status?

Crise sanitaire, Obligation vaccinale, Obligations de l'employeur, Santé au Travail, Statut vaccinal du salarié

The impact of ICTs and digitalization on productivity and labor share: evidence from French firms.

Digitalization, ICT, Productivity