
What Should We Agree on about the Repugnant Conclusion?


Fair long-term care insurance.


Social security legislation applicable to employees seconded by a temporary work company.

Activité substantielle d'une entreprise de travail temporaire, Critères d'appréciation, Droit Social Europeen, Détachement, Entreprise de travail temporaire

Path-dependent Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation: Uniqueness of Crandall-Lions viscosity solutions.

Dynamic programming principle, Functional Itô calculus, Path-dependent HJB equations, Path-dependent SDEs, Pathwise derivatives, Viscosity solutions

Federated stochastic control of numerous heterogeneous energy storage systems.


Build Your Own Mushroom Soil: Microbiota Succession and Nutritional Accumulation in Semi-Synthetic Substratum Drive the Fructification of a Soil-Saprotrophic Morel.

Inoculated microbiota, Lipid, Nitrogen, Semi-synthetic substratum, Soil-saprotrophic mushroom, inoculated microbiota, lipid, nitrogen, semi-synthetic substratum, soil-saprotrophic mushroom

Climate change and population: An assessment of mortality due to health impacts.


Accounting for Intergenerational Wealth Mobility in France over the 20th Century: Method and Estimations.


Master Bellman equation in the Wasserstein space: Uniqueness of viscosity solutions.

Bellman equation, Comparison theorem, Ekeland's variational principle, Viscosity solutions, Wasserstein space

On the linear convergence of the multi-marginal Sinkhorn algorithm.

Block coordinate descent, Linear convergence, Multi-marginal entropic optimal transport, Sinkhorn algorithm

Marketing contract choices in agriculture: The role of price expectation and price risk management.

Hedging, Marketing contracts, Risk management, Risk perception, Storage

The plurality of heritages.

Entrepreneur individuel à responsabilité limitée, Exemption from seizure, Individual entrepreneur with limitation of liability, Insaisissabilité, Legal status, Personnalité juridique