
Estimating benefits of water prices reforms in France.

CONSOMMATION D'EAU, Environnement espace et société, Économie du bien-être

Do charities spend more on their social programs when they cooperate than when they compete?


Dual Trading and Conflicts of Interest of Stock Exchange Intermediaries : evidence from Mergers and Acquisitions.

Acquisitions, Asymmetric information, Conseil en fusion-acquisition, Financial advisors, Informed trading, M&As, Takeovers, Trading informé

Equilibrium Data Mining and Data Abundance.

Asset price informativeness, Big data, D4, G14, Information processing, L15, Markets

Fokker-Planck equations with terminal condition and related McKean probabilistic representation.

35R30, 60H30, 60J60, And phrases Inverse problem, Fokker Planck equation, Fokker Planck equation 2020 AMS-classification 60H10, Inverse problem, McKean stochastic differential equation, Probabilistic represen- tation of PDEs, Probabilistic representation of PDEs, Time-reversed diffusion

A systematic review of the energy and climate impacts of teleworking.

Climate change, Digital economy, Energy, Systematic review, Telecommuting, Teleworking

The education gender gap and the demographic transition in developing countries.


Structured Prediction with Partial Labelling through the Infimum Loss.


Decisions: theories, experiments and applications.

Beliefs, Decisions, Jeux biformes, Préférences biseparables, Time preferences, Utility

The contribution of digital technology in the implementation of a price guarantee: application to grain markets with futures and options.

Appropriation des technologies, Appropriation of digital, Derivatives on agricultural commodities, Dérivés sur produits agricoles, Hedging strategy, Stratégie de couverture

Anxiety increases the willingness to be exposed to COVID-19 risk among young adults in France.


Price discrimination within and across EMU markets: Evidence from French exporters.