
Private international law. Volume 1 General part.

Droit international privé, Manuels d'enseignement supérieur

Bayesian model averaging for mortality forecasting using leave-future-out validation.

Age-period-cohort, Bayesian model averaging, Mortality forecasting, Overdispersion, Stacking

The Energy Transition: ZEN objective.


Risk Quantization by Magnitude and Propensity.

Magnitude-propensity, Mass transportation, Optimal quantization, Risk measure

The State Expropriation Risk and the Pricing of Foreign Earnings.


Federated Expectation Maximization with heterogeneity mitigation and variance reduction.


Are Epidemiological Indicators Misleading under Uncertainty? An Evaluation and a Remedy from An Economic Perspective.


Supplementary private health insurance: The impact of physician financial incentives on medical practice.

Cesarean delivery, DGR-based payment, Physician financial incentives, Public healthcare system, Supplementary private health insurance, cesarean delivery, physician financial incentives, public healthcare system, supplementary private health insurance

Economics, sociology, history of the contemporary world.


The Impact of Center-Based Childcare Attendance on Early Child Development: Evidence From the French Elfe Cohort.

Étude Longitudinale Français depuis l'Enfance (Elfe), Child development, Childcare, Crèche, Early childhood, France, Étude Longitudinale Français depuis l’Enfance Elfe

Private Health Insurance and the European Union.


Europe's tough choices on 5G.