
Three essays in environmental and development economics.

Analyse spatial, Development economics, Environmental economics, Evaluation d’impact, Impact evaluation, Spatial analysis, Économie de l’environnement, Économie du développement

Does quality justify scarcity ?

Consommation distribution et transformation, ORGANISATION COMMUNE DES MARCHES

Equilibrium pricing and market completion: a counterexample.


Numerical methods by optimal quantization in finance.

Erreur faible, Finance, Heston model, Modèle d'Heston, Numerical probability, Optimal quantisation, Optimisation, Optimization, Probabilités numériques, Quantification optimale, Weak error

Sectoral system of innovation : SMEs' development and heterogeneity of trajectories.

BIOINDUSTRIE, BIOTECHNOLOGIE, Consommation distribution et transformation

Effect of border policy on exposure and vulnerability to climate change.

border policy, climate change impacts, integrated assessment models, migration, shared socioeconomic pathways

NGO-GM: Natural Gradient Optimization for Graphical Models.


Thinking about the aftermath: Rebuilding rather than recovery.


Energy, climate and development: From international heterogeneity to local implementation.

Climate, Energy

Strategies for the development of brands in the agrifood chains.


Gender stereotypes can explain the gender-equality paradox.

gender gap in STEM, gender stereotypes, socioeconomic development

The genesis of the Euromarkets.

Accounting, Banques centrales, Central banking, Comptabilité, Euromarchés, Euromarkets, Financial markets, Marchés financiers, Regulation, Régulation