Some Contributions on Probabilistic Interpretation For Nonlinear Stochastic PDEs.

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Summary The objective of this thesis is to study the probabilistic representation (Feynman-Kac for- mula) of different classes ofStochastic Nonlinear PDEs (semilinear, fully nonlinear, reflected in a domain) by means of backward doubly stochastic differential equations (BDSDEs). This thesis contains four different parts. We deal in the first part with the second order BDS- DEs (2BDSDEs). We show the existence and uniqueness of solutions of 2BDSDEs using quasi sure stochastic control technics. The main motivation of this study is the probabilistic representation for solution of fully nonlinear SPDEs. First, under regularity assumptions on the coefficients, we give a Feynman-Kac formula for classical solution of fully nonlinear SPDEs and we generalize the work of Soner, Touzi and Zhang (2010-2012) for deterministic fully nonlinear PDE. Then, under weaker assumptions on the coefficients, we prove the probabilistic representation for stochastic viscosity solution of fully nonlinear SPDEs. In the second part, we study the Sobolev solution of obstacle problem for partial integro-differentialequations (PIDEs). Specifically, we show the Feynman-Kac formula for PIDEs via reflected backward stochastic differentialequations with jumps (BSDEs). Specifically, we establish the existence and uniqueness of the solution of the obstacle problem, which is regarded as a pair consisting of the solution and the measure of reflection. The approach is based on stochastic flow technics developed in Bally and Matoussi (2001) but the proofs are more technical. In the third part, we discuss the existence and uniqueness for RBDSDEs in a convex domain D without any regularity condition on the boundary. In addition, using the approach based on the technics of stochastic flow we provide the probabilistic interpretation of Sobolev solution of a class of reflected SPDEs in a convex domain via RBDSDEs. Finally, we are interested in the numerical solution of BDSDEs with random terminal time. The main motivation is to give a probabilistic representation of Sobolev solution of semilinear SPDEs with Dirichlet null condition. In this part, we study the strong approximation of this class of BDSDEs when the random terminal time is the first exit time of an SDE from a cylindrical domain. Thus, we give bounds for the discrete-time approximation error. We conclude this part with numerical tests showing that this approach is effective.
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