Knowledge of the production workshop experience: to initiate, reinforce or perpetuate the permanent progress approach.

  • THOMAS Andre
  • GUIDAT Claudine
  • COURTOIS Alain
  • GREIF Michel
  • MARTIN Patrick
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Summary The efficiency of companies depends on the degree of control of the production system. We have therefore sought to define a system that allows a better involvement of men in an integrated approach based on the knowledge of the production workshop experience. The positioning of this system encompasses improvement and efficiency actions. It contributes to helping managers in their search for the optimum benefit. It associates in the same approach the management of the material flows, the information flows, the production events of the daily realized with the remarks and/or ideas relative to these, expressed by the actors of a considered territory. By including in the regular production activities flexible methods of progress, the approach allows to induce new behaviors answering the expectations of the various actors of the company. The management strategy for the installation of the tool, posed as a hypothesis, has been validated in three application site companies, including a micro company, a SME, and a factory belonging to an international group. This strategy is based on a management matrix proposing a central axis of progress, a guideline for a three-phase implementation.
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