Organization and strategy of Islamic banks.

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Summary This paper provides material for reflection on the practice and experience of Islamic banks. It deals with the Islamic banking system, which is based, in principle, on the prohibition of the practice of interest by Islamic law (Shari'a). In this thesis, we have tried to show how the "interest" system rejected by the Shari'a can be replaced by another system based on madaraba, musharaka (profit and loss sharing financing) and others that do not contradict Islamic law. We then tried to highlight the organization and functioning of the Islamic bank through an in-depth analysis of its activities and operating modes. Thus, we have been able to observe an adaptation of Islamic banks to all the banking requirements of the contemporary customer. Finally, the analysis of the performance and strategies of Islamic banks has allowed us to identify some problems and constraints they are facing. We have not missed the opportunity to bring solutions to these problems as well as to others that we think are useful for the development of Islamic banks.
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