Study of the applications of the flash process to passive listening systems and optimization by Bernoulli-Gaussian deconvolution.

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Summary The subject of this thesis was the study of the applications of a new process to passive listening systems and its optimization by a standard deconvolution technique. This work has two phases. The first one dealt with the application of a new concept called flash to broadband passive listening of radar signals in the microwave domain. In the first phase, after a definition of the context of use, a technique of direction finding by electronic scanning was studied. After having analyzed the analogy with the flash concept, properties were highlighted and several scenarios were considered. In a second step, the same approach was carried out for the study of a broadband frequency meter. The different scenarios were then numerically simulated and partial conclusions were drawn. The second phase then consisted in studying the use of a multi-pulse deconvolution technique to improve the results and the robustness of the devices under degraded rsb constraints. The approach, incremental in the integration of constraints, led mutatis mutandis to the adaptation and implementation of a Bayesian algorithm of Bernoulli-Gaussian deconvolution. The results obtained revealed a strong gain in terms of performance.
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