Contribution to innovation engineering: a complex design of processes taking advantage of NTIC: the experience of a technocenter in an industrial sector.

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Summary In management science, or in the words of managers, innovation is generally considered to be a strategic game for the company. It plays an undeniable role in its competitiveness and sometimes even its survival. However, the design and marketing of a new product can be a complex project for companies. This observation leads us to wonder what types of processes can be put in place to deal with the complexity of the innovation problem. From a study of computer-aided engineering at the Renault technocentre, we put into perspective the role of NICTs - more particularly simulation, CAD and virtual reality technologies - for the design of complex innovation engineering. Our project is to respond to a perceived complex problem, through complex actions, by making the representations of the innovation problem and the design of processes in the company evolve together.
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