Development trajectories and the choice of energy-environment policy instruments for rapidly developing Asian countries.

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Summary The first part builds a contextual grid that aims to present the main impacts of development in developing countries. Some development trends such as energy consumption growth, environmental trajectories, economic growth and population growth are analyzed. Then a global analysis of modeling Kuznets environmental curves and development foresight is presented. The second part presents different types of environmental protection policy instruments, as well as the theoretical issues and experiences of their implementation in OECD countries, particularly in the energy sector. It also examines the practices of energy-environment policies and their environmental impacts on the economy, and the role of institutional factors in environmental management in SRAPs. The priorities of environmental management in an integrated approach in the SRAPs are presented and compared with the environmental management experiences of OECD countries. Our case study of the power sector in Vietnam in the third part aims to make an inventory of emissions in a very fast growing sector and the largest emitter of air emissions and to conduct a critical review of environmental policy assessment tools by comparing bottom-up and top-down model-based approaches. Finally, a model and a set of scenarios to assess the economic and environmental consequences of introducing a sectoral policy in the context of an economy in transition are presented.
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