Les minima sociaux en France: economic analysis of a reform.

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Summary During the depressive phase experienced by the European economies of the continent in the first half of the 1990s, the emphasis on social minima as a safety net was the subject of a broad social consensus. Today, analysts are concerned about whether these same social minima are not a major obstacle to a return to employment for this segment of the population. In this thesis, we propose to evaluate, with the help of original instruments, the impact, both incentive and redistributive, that a reform of this type could have. Income compensation allowance. On French households. To do this, we develop a microsimulation model whose originality lies in taking into account the temporal specificity of the fiscal-social system. In order to evaluate the redistributive effects, we construct a modified version of the sequential dominance criteria. This new criterion makes it possible to conclude that the reform is normative, whereas the usual criteria lead to a much more vague diagnosis. With respect to the incentive aspect, we study the consequences that the reform could have on the labor supply of individuals, using a model combining econometrics and microsimulation. The results show that financial incentives do play a significant role in the return to work. However, even in the case of scenarios with particularly advantageous formulas, the fraction of individuals who would be. Back to work. Remains modest. Moreover, the reform would induce a non-negligible share of individuals working before the reform to reduce their labor supply.
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