Technical data management for production engineering: domain repository and methodological framework for engineering technical information systems in companies.

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Summary This work deals with the methodological problems in the projects of implementation of Technical Information Systems (TIS) in companies. Its field of application is production engineering. The objective is to improve two aspects of these problems: the specifications of the project owner and the project manager, and the global approach of these projects. To do this, we propose a domain repository, developed using standard specification diagrams. Oriented towards the expression of TDM needs, the repository can be reused in future ITS developments during the domain analysis phase. The repository development process is streamlined. It is intended to be a methodological guide for the TIS engineering itself. It involves the main actors following an iterative process. This approach is also contextual in order to better understand the singularities of the projects and sufficiently flexible to respect the creative character of the engineering professions.
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