Behavioral dynamics and anticipatory behaviors in an organizational environment.

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Summary This thesis on work is articulated in three parts: the synthesis of work carried out since 1984 through a general reflection on their behavioral dynamics, the analysis of the practices of collective mobilization and a presentation of the behaviors of self-regulation of the actors. the conceptual clarifications including the clarification of the management of the sales force as an object and of the organizational behavior as a disciplinary field, the presentation of the theoretical reference marks as for the processes of managerial activation of the actors, the analysis of the dynamics of self-direction of the subjects in situation. A more in-depth reflection on the concept of anticipation behavior, presenting the notion of anticipation through contributions from several disciplines (psychology, ergonomics, sociology, management sciences), an anticipation model for understanding anticipation behavior in the organizational field, and two application tools for the anticipation model developed in the context of consulting interventions.
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