Proposal of a disaggregation model for a stable tactical plan in the context of supply chains and the use of an APS.

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Summary Today, companies want to know how much to produce, when and in how much time? Moreover, they want to have a global vision of their production system and their logistics. Thus, the supply chain management is in charge of ensuring the reliability of the service level to the customers, while ensuring the best profitability for the company. We show in this thesis the interest of tactical planning and how to determine detailed plans, using a HPP structure. We propose a two-level disaggregation methodology that seeks to determine stable PDPs, taking into account robust and stable forecast plans. Optimization models are proposed as well as constraints that take into account decisions at each level, in order to ensure consistency between them. Finally, we apply a real demand processing model, using the AR process, to make the determined PDPs more stable.
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