Status of commitment cognitions in the forced submission paradigm: When commitment cognitions are consistent or inconsistent with generative cognition.

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Summary In the forced submission paradigm (Festinger, 1957), commitment cognitions (engaging or disengaging) are generally irrelevant (consistent or inconsistent) with the generating cognition (Beauvois and Joule, 1996). They are therefore not involved in the rate of dissonance (I/I+C). When they are relevant. Four types of cognitions are possible: consistent and engaging (case 1), consistent and disengaging (case 2), inconsistent and engaging (case 3), inconsistent and disengaging (case 4). 6 experiments lead to the clarification of Beauvois and Joule's (1999) radical proposal: 1/ if neutral commitment cognitions are necessary for the awakening of dissonance, they could also determine the importance of this awakening according to a linear function. 2/ the relevant commitment cognitions would play the role of simple relevant cognitions, modulated, occasionally, by their engaging or disengaging character.
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