The Internet at the service of banking and financial operations.

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Summary The banking and financial services sector is today the scene of exacerbated competition between credit institutions, eager to conquer the Internet customer. The European legislator's recognition of the reality and economic potential of a "virtual" market has led it to seek to ensure its proper functioning and to develop tools to achieve this end. Thus, the directive on "electronic commerce" has come to guarantee the freedom and legality of the offer of online financial services on the basis of the principle of the law of the country of origin. The proper functioning of the market also results from the ability to resolve the disputes it generates. The "electronic banking" disputes are not easily solved by traditional means and in this context the Internet should allow the emergence of alternative methods. The protection of the consumer of banking and financial services is also at the center of the legislator's priorities. Firstly, the Internet is at the origin of major legal evolutions allowing the dematerialization of contracts. Secondly, the directive on the distance marketing of financial services has rebalanced the relationship between the credit institution and the consumer. Thirdly, the consumer has been granted similar rights with regard to the collection and processing of his personal financial data. Finally, the articulation of the different texts applicable to the provision of online banking and financial services offers the consumer a coherent protection.
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