From the labor market to retirement: typical trajectories for insured persons of the general Social Security system.

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Summary Over the last three decades, the career paths of private sector employees have gradually moved away from the paragon of the continuous career that was previously used for the financial projections of the old-age insurance system. This thesis seeks to identify a "new model" by proceeding in three stages: I- isolating typical career profiles through a classification analysis that preserves the longitudinal nature of the career paths, II- linking a typology of careers to a typology of retirement behaviors, III- developing the core of a financial projection model structured around representative profiles. In a transverse way, the thesis addresses the evolution of the links between the labor market and the public pension system. By aiming for financial equilibrium, the latest pension reforms have shifted the trade-off between social risk coverage and financial constraints. In a context where the labour market - and careers - are changing, they thus reflect a modification of the place given to the values of intra- and intergenerational equity.
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