Strategic policy and environment.

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Summary The environment is becoming a national and international concern. Indeed, the proposals of the candidates for the French presidency in 2007 have been given environmental ratings. AI Gore and the IPCC received the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for their research on global warming. The Grenelle de l'environnement is evidence of this new priority given to the environmental issue on political agendas. The climate issue is one of the main scientific concerns after the publication of studies showing an unforeseen acceleration in the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. However, faced with the growing need to intervene to prevent climate risk, governments may be tempted to avoid their environmental obligations by using environmental policy instruments such as taxes or tradable emission permits for commercial purposes. The thesis is therefore structured in two parts. The first part, divided into two chapters, is devoted to an overview of the existing literature on strategic trade policy (Chapter 1), including its environmental dimension (Chapter 2). The second part of the thesis consists of theoretical contributions. We analyze the impact of lobbying by polluting firms on strategic environmental policy in the presence of emission taxes (chapter 3). We present the properties of this same policy with a market of tradable emission permits and the possibility of dominance (or not) of one of the firms on this market (chapter 4).
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