Full automation of line 1: study and modeling of mixed traffic.

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Summary The present thesis is part of the project of full automation of the line 1 of the Paris metro. This project consists in transforming the line 1 (line with drivers) into a fully automatic line (without driver or staff on board) without stopping the operation. The result is a mixed phase of cohabitation between trains in manual driving and trains in full automatic driving. In this context, my research work consists first of all in continuing the development of a software allowing to study and analyze the mixed phase of operation on line 1. Once operational, the model was used to carry out two studies that I conducted in a second phase. These two studies answer problems concerning the mixed management of trains with and without drivers in the terminals. They take into account two opposite constraints: the safety of agents and passengers on the one hand and the quality of service offered to passengers on the other hand. The analysis and results of these two studies will be presented in this thesis report.
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