Industrial risks, work and environment: contribution of environmental law to the protection of health at work and its consequences on the polluting company.

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Summary The objective of this thesis is to take stock of the state of occupational health at the beginning of the 21st century in France. More precisely, it is a study on the health of workers in the company but also of the populations living near industrial installations. Emphasis is placed on the particularity of the methodology followed, which combines the contribution of law (labor, social, environmental), economics, history and sociology. The objective of this thesis is also to demonstrate through time and space the confrontation between occupational health and environment. It also demonstrates how the law and other elements have allowed a rapprochement and then a collaboration. However, there is a clear gap between social law, which began to appear at the end of the 19th century (with the industrial revolution) and environmental law, which appeared almost a century later (in 1970, with the economic crisis). This thesis is illustrated empirically by a study carried out in the heart of the Dunkirk region, the purpose of which was to identify the consequences of air pollution on individuals. The questioning was directed in order to retranscribe as well as possible the sensations or the disorders felt by the questioned populations and to translate them then during the analysis into effects on health but also into social and economic effects.
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