The active kanban to ensure centralized/distributed decision interoperability: Application to a furniture manufacturer.

  • KLEIN Thomas
  • THOMAS Andre
  • MOREL Gerard
  • D'AMOURS Sophie
  • MOREL Gerard
  • THOMAS Andre
  • TORINEAU Philippe
  • CASTAGNA Pierre
  • GRABOT Bernard
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Summary The defended thesis is the result of a partnership between the Parisot group, and more particularly the Parisot Meuble company, and the TRACILOG technological research team of the Centre de Recherche en Automatique de Nancy. This work focused on a study of the opportunities brought by new information technologies on the processes of production management, as well as the proposal of a decision support system for the management of flows in the field. The proposed architecture is based on the infotronization of the flow of kanbans, which become "active kanbans" and ensure interoperability and synchronization between a centralized decision system and the various distributed decision entities, in order to coordinate all decisions. These proposals were validated using an emulation architecture, allowing the use of a control system in real conditions. Moreover, some of the proposed structures have been validated on the real production system. The contributions of this thesis work are based on : - The proposal of an architecture for the evaluation by emulation of production control systems, at an industrial scale, as well as the construction method. - The proposal of a production control support system to ensure the overall consistency of the decision system.
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