Future time perspective and engaging communication: a psychosocial approach to the relationship to the future in the environmental domain.

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Summary This thesis aims to provide some answers about the theoretical status of the Time Perspective (TP) and more precisely of the future temporal extension (measured by the Consideration of Future Consequences - CFC - scale). Focusing on the idea of double contextualization, our results show, on the one hand, that the CFC does have a contextualizing role since it influences the way in which individuals apprehend environmental problems. If this contextualizing dimension is well established in the literature, we show on the other hand that the effect of SWC is a contextualized effect, depending on the social issues associated with the situation. This angle of approach to temporal experience is less explored in the literature, even though it is precisely this necessary consideration of context that underpins the psychosocial approach and distinguishes it from a more differentialist approach. In order to highlight this contextualized effect, we first showed that SWC was dependent on the social integration of the subjects. We then highlighted the dynamic and socially inscribed nature of the relationship between SWC and eco-citizen behavior, mediated by the perception of ecological risks, a socio-cognitive variable. In an attempt to triangulate, we also conducted a series of experimental investigations within the framework of the engaging communication paradigm. The results indicate that subjects' CFC score influences their sensitivity to the arguments presented in a persuasive message and their acceptance of an engaging costly request (contextualizing role), these effects being modulated by the context (control condition vs. persuasive communication vs. engaging communication). Finally, we observed that it was possible to modify, at least momentarily, subjects' sensitivity to the long-term consequences of their behaviors in an engaging communication procedure.
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