Essay on four issues in public policy evaluation.

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Summary This thesis presents four independent attempts to evaluate public policies, applying recent microeconometric methods. After a first chapter presenting a summary in French, the second chapter evaluates the impact of the so-called ecological bonus/malus reform on CO2 emissions. This offers a credible source of identification of the sensitivity of consumer choices to financial incentives. Estimates suggest a negative balance sheet for the measure, due to strong volume effects. The third chapter assesses the ability of tax measures to revitalize local economic activity, through the Urban Free Zone scheme. Access to precise local data makes it possible to assess the impact of tax exemptions granted to firms setting up in second-generation ZFUs. These exemptions have a positive but weak impact on business creation and employment compared to other similar disadvantaged areas. The fourth chapter looks at the consequences of temporary contracts on occupational trajectories. Controlling for individual heterogeneity bias with a fixed effects model, we show that fixed-term contracts significantly increase transitions to stable employment compared to unemployment. In contrast, temporary work only marginally improves these transitions. The fifth chapter deals with the effects of the minimum wage increases created by the Fillon law on wage inequality. The estimates suggest that the minimum wage increases would have a significant but small effect on wage distributions.
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