Secure collection and data management system for WSNs.

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Summary The development of wireless sensor networks means that each user or organization is already connected to a large number of nodes. These nodes generate a large amount of data, making the management of this data non-obvious. Moreover, this data may contain privacy information. The work in this thesis addresses these issues. First, we designed a middleware that communicates with physical sensors to collect, store, translate, index, analyze and generate alerts on sensor data. This middleware is based on the notion of components and composites. Each physical node communicates with a composite of the middleware via a RESTFul interface. This middleware has been tested and used in the framework of the European project Mobesens in order to manage the data of a sensor network for water quality monitoring. Secondly, we designed a hybrid pair and group authentication and key establishment protocol. Considering that there is a performance difference between the sensor nodes, the gateway, and the middleware, we used identity-based cryptography-based authentication between the gateway and the storage server and symmetric cryptography between the sensors and the other two parties. Then, the middleware was generalized in the third part of the thesis so that each organization or individual can have their own space to manage their sensor data using cloud computing. Then, we have secure social portal for sharing sensor network data.
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