Customer experience management: beyond satisfaction surveys, the measurement of the lived experience.

  • LEFRANC Elisabeth
  • BLOCH Alain
  • AIMETTI Jean paul
  • BLOCH Alain
  • AIMETTI Jean paul
  • BADOT Olivier
  • HOROVITZ Jacques
  • BADOT Olivier
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Summary The aim of this thesis is to make a theoretical and operational contribution to the measurement of the customer experience as a key element of a true customer experience management. The approach is based on practical experience and draws on research from different disciplines: service economics and management, quality, strategy, marketing, performance management and organizational learning.We propose a model of customer experience management with four interacting dimensions: the desired experience (by managers), the expected experience (by customers), the proposed experience (by the company), and the lived experience (by customers). Our research proposals focus on measuring the gaps between the lived experience and the other dimensions. The challenge is not only to describe the gaps that may exist between the objectives set in the theory of customer experience (e.g., what experience do we want customers to have?) and the perception of the achievements by customers in the theory of use of the company (e.g., what is the actual experience offered and how is it perceived by customers?) It is also about analyzing how companies can reduce the gaps by engaging in an organizational learning process leading to successful customer experience management.
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