Competitiveness clusters: towards a new model. Study of the cap digital cluster (2011-2013). Implementation in Morocco.

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Summary French competitiveness clusters are the result of public decisions that lead to the establishment of internal strategies. Since 2006, the French government has been evaluating the effectiveness and interest of these structures, whose usefulness remains controversial.This research work focuses on the functioning and evolution of the economic model of competitiveness clusters. The methodology used is based on the analysis of the internal functioning of Cap Digital, a competitiveness cluster for digital content and services, based in Ile-de-France. The field approach allows us to understand the functioning of these associations and their interaction with SMEs, to know what their limits and difficulties are and to assume what actions are likely to be implemented to overcome these difficulties. Finally, based on the successes and limitations experienced by the Ile-de-France clusters, the focus is on the transposability of the cluster model to Morocco, in order to determine what are the essential elements to ensure the success of clusters in a different socio-economic context.
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