Three economics essays on climate policy in a post-Kyoto world.

  • ESPAGNE Etienne
  • HOURCADE Jean charles
  • AGLIETTA Michel
  • RAGOT Xavier
  • HAURIE Alain
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Summary This thesis approaches the economic stakes of climate negotiations from three complementary angles. More precisely, it uses three distinct frameworks to analyze the nature of the current stalemate in these negotiations, its causes and finally its possible outcomes. The first framework is that of integrated economy-climate modeling, which aggregates the key elements of the interaction between these two fields into a small number of essential functions. We thus analyze how the different hypotheses on these essential functions can reflect the positions and worldviews of the actors in the negotiation. The second framework is that of the viscosities of the real economy, which focuses on factors, sectors, and institutions as they react to the climate constraint or to the climate policies implemented. Finally, the third framework includes financial intermediation and money, as key elements in understanding the more or less energy-intensive orientation of investments, and as possible sources of a solution to the current stalemate in negotiations.
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