LAN property for diffusion processes with jumps with discrete observations via Malliavin's calculation.

  • TRAN Ngoc khue
  • NUALART Eulalia
  • DHERSIN Jean stephane
  • CLEMENT Emmanuelle
  • HU Yueyun
  • REVEILLAC Anthony
  • GOBET Emmanuel
  • JACOD Jean
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Summary In this thesis we apply Malliavin's calculus to obtain the local asymptotic normality (LAN) property from discrete observations of certain uniformly elliptic diffusion processes with jumps. In Chapter 2 we revise the proof of the local asymptotic mixed normality (LAMN) property for diffusion processes with jumps from continuous observations, and as a consequence we obtain the LAN property assuming the ergodicity of the process. In Chapter 3 we establish the LAN property for a simple Lévy process with unknown drift and diffusion parameters and intensity. In Chapter 4, using Malliavin's calculation and transition density estimates, we prove that the LAN property is verified for a jumping diffusion process whose drift coefficient depends on an unknown parameter. Finally, in the same direction we obtain in Chapter 5 the LAN property for a jump diffusion process where the two unknown parameters are involved in the drift and diffusion coefficients.
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