The financing of the public service.

  • BAHOUGNE Louis
  • DELAUNAY Benoit
  • LACHAUME Jean francois
  • DELAUNAY Benoit
  • BRENET Francois
  • BOITEAU Claudie
  • ECKERT Gabriel
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Summary Beyond the simple figures, the study of public service financing integrates a double perspective. On the one hand, the ideology and the law of public service have had a structuring effect on its financial organization. On the other hand, and in a kind of backlash, the need for adequate financing of the public service has redesigned some of the principles of administrative organization. The analysis thus focuses on the process of cross-fertilization between public service law and public finance. The fact remains that this study is potentially disturbed by a principle of separation of ordinary administrative legality from budgetary legality. However, this observation can be overcome by considering that financing is not only a budgetary fact, but also an economic fact. As such, its consideration has been accentuated by the increasing penetration of economic analysis and theories in public service law. The study thus aims to understand the extent to which these rules have adapted to the financing needs of public services.
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