Feedback effects in finance: applications to optimal execution and volatility models.

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Summary In this thesis, we consider two types of applications of feedback effects in finance. These effects come into play when market participants execute sequences of trades or take part in chain reactions, which generate peaks of activity. The first part presents a dynamic optimal execution model in the presence of an exogenous stochastic market order flow. We start from the benchmark model of Obizheva and Wang, which defines an optimal execution framework with a mixed price impact. We add an order flow modeled using Hawkes processes, which are jump processes with a self-excitation property. Using stochastic control theory, we determine the optimal strategy analytically. Then we determine the conditions for the existence of Price Manipulation Strategies, as introduced by Huberman and Stanzl. These strategies can be excluded if the self-excitation of the order flow exactly offsets the price resilience. In a second step, we propose a calibration method for the model, which we apply on high frequency financial data from CAC40 stock prices. On these data, we find that the model explains a non-negligible part of the price variance. An evaluation of the optimal strategy in backtesting shows that it is profitable on average, but that realistic transaction costs are sufficient to prevent price manipulation. Then, in the second part of the thesis, we focus on the modeling of intraday volatility. In the literature, most of the backward-looking volatility models focus on the daily time scale, i.e., on day-to-day price changes. The objective here is to extend this type of approach to shorter time scales. We first present an ARCH-type model with the particularity of taking into account separately the contributions of past intraday and night-time returns. A calibration method for this model is studied, as well as a qualitative interpretation of the results on US and European stock returns. In the next chapter, we further reduce the time scale considered. We study a high-frequency volatility model, the idea of which is to generalize the Hawkes process framework to better reproduce some empirical market characteristics. In particular, by introducing quadratic feedback effects inspired by the QARCH discrete time model we obtain a power law distribution for volatility as well as time skewness.
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