3D digital mock-up for construction: visualize business knowledge and interact with immersive devices.

  • MARTIN Hugo
  • CHEVALLIER Sylvain
  • MAGOULES Frederic
  • HALIN Gilles
  • RICHIR Simon
  • HENAFF Patrick
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Summary Construction is lagging behind industry in terms of productivity. To remedy this, the construction world is implementing the BIM (Building Information Modeling) process. This is based on the use of a 3D digital model, a reproduction of the building, containing all the information necessary for its realization. However, engineers have reported difficulties in the use of BIM. The model contains a lot of elements from several participants. The collaborative side of building construction is not taken into account, the elements are not classified by trade, all trades work on the same model. The BIM process proposes the same working method to the different types of construction trades. This thesis proposes an interaction methodology adapted to digital building models. The goal is to offer an environment adapted to all types of building trades while respecting current design processes. This work proposes a study on the visualization of business knowledge and an interaction with immersive devices for construction. In a first step, this manuscript proposes to study the classification of the various elements of a BIM model using machine learning, assisting the visualization of data using saliency models and an interface based on collaboration. In a second step, two virtual reality rooms dedicated to construction will be described. Several immersive applications developed will be presented.
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