Elaboration of a Kansei methodology through physical and digital interactions.

  • MAHUT The?o
  • BOUCHARD Carole
  • OMHOVER Jean fran?ois
  • FISCHER Xavier
  • OMHOVER Jean fran?ois
  • YANAGISAWA Hideyoshi
  • FAVART Carole
  • YANNOU Bernard
  • PETIOT Jean fran?ois
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Summary The experience that users have has recently become a major factor of differentiation between product and service companies (such as Toyota Motor Europe), leading to further research in the areas of user experience and interaction. These researches present a greater consideration of the subjective perception rather than the objective properties of the products.Starting from this approach of "design research" through the subjective perception, this study tries to understand and formalize the reciprocal influence between interaction and experience.From this approach of design research through subjective perception, this study tries to understand and formalize the reciprocal influence between interaction and user experience, defining which parameters affect subjective actions. From these parameters, this research has isolated the physical and digital properties of a product in order to highlight these effects on the affective and cognitive actions of the user.Thanks to this approach, this research leads to both scientific and industrial contributions: this research has made possible the formalization of the interdependence between the user experience and the interactions. the implementation of a taxonomy of interactive products through the meta-thorical approach of physical and digital interaction. and the materialization of a methodology and tools to both evaluate and create interactions from the experimental approach.
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