Theoretical and numerical study of nonlinear problems in the McKean sense in finance.

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Summary This thesis is devoted to the theoretical and numerical study of two nonlinear problems in the McKean sense in finance. In the first part, we address the problem of calibrating a model with local and stochastic volatility to take into account the prices of European vanilla options observed on the market. This problem results in the study of a nonlinear stochastic differential equation (SDE) in the McKean sense because of the presence in the diffusion coefficient of a conditional expectation of the stochastic volatility factor with respect to the SDE solution. We obtain the existence of the process in the particular case where the stochastic volatility factor is a jump process with a finite number of states. We also obtain the weak convergence at order 1 of the time discretization of the nonlinear DHS in the McKean sense for general stochastic volatility factors. In the industry, the calibration is efficiently performed using a regularization of the conditional expectation by a Nadaraya-Watson type kernel estimator, as proposed by Guyon and Henry-Labordère in [JGPHL]. We also propose a half-time numerical scheme and study the associated particle system that we compare to the algorithm proposed by [JGPHL]. In the second part of the thesis, we focus on a problem of contract valuation with margin calls, a problem that appeared with the application of new regulations since the financial crisis of 2008. This problem can be modeled by an anticipatory stochastic differential equation (SDE) with dependence on the law of the solution in the generator. We show that this equation is well-posed and propose an approximation of its solution using standard linear SRDEs when the liquidation time of the option in case of default is small. Finally, we show that the computation of the solutions of these standard EDSRs can be improved using the multilevel Monte Carlo method introduced by Giles in [G].
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