Asymptotic optimal valuation with asymmetric risk and applications in finance.

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Summary This thesis consists of two parts that can be read independently. In the first part of the thesis, we study hedging and option pricing problems related to a risk measure. Our main approach is the use of an asymmetric risk function and an asymptotic framework in which we obtain optimal solutions through nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs).In the first chapter, we focus on the valuation and hedging of European options. We consider the problem of optimizing the residual risk generated by a discrete-time hedge in the presence of an asymmetric risk criterion. Instead of analyzing the asymptotic behavior of the solution of the associated discrete problem, we study the asymmetric residual risk measure integrated in a Markovian framework. In this context, we show the existence of this asymptotic risk measure. We then describe an asymptotically optimal hedging strategy via the solution of a totally nonlinear PDE. The second chapter applies this hedging method to the problem of valuing the output of a power plant. Since the power plant generates maintenance costs whether it is on or off, we are interested in reducing the risk associated with the uncertain revenues of this power plant by hedging with futures contracts. In the second part of the thesis, we consider several control problems related to economics and finance.The third chapter is dedicated to the study of a class of McKean-Vlasov (MKV) type problem with common noise, called conditional polynomial MKV. We reduce this polynomial class by Markov folding to finite dimensional control problems.We compare three different probabilistic techniques for numerically solving the reduced problem: quantization, control randomization regression, and delayed regression. We provide many numerical examples, such as portfolio selection with uncertainty about an underlying trend.In the fourth chapter, we solve dynamic programming equations associated with financial valuations in the energy market. We consider that a calibrated model for the underlyings is not available and that a small sample obtained from historical data is accessible.Moreover, in this context, we assume that futures contracts are often governed by hidden factors modeled by Markov processes. We propose a non-intrusive method to solve these equations through empirical regression techniques using only the historical log price of observable futures contracts.
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