Emerging technology and business intelligence: how to respond to the specific innovation issues of the start-up Poietis.

  • PILORGET Lydie
  • FRIGANT Vincent
  • BOUBA OLGA Olivier
  • FRIGANT Vincent
  • BOUBA OLGA Olivier
  • LAPERCHE Blandine
  • TALBOT Damien
  • CORIS Marie laetitia
  • GUILLEMOT Fabien
  • LAPERCHE Blandine
  • TALBOT Damien
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Summary The objective of this thesis is to set up a business intelligence process within a start-up company proposing an emerging technology. In this case study, we have highlighted a double emergence: the new environment and the company under construction. First, we mobilize an original analytical framework for the business intelligence process: the TIS - Technological Innovation Systems. This reading grid proposes a dynamic analysis of the innovation system of the company through the structure and the interactions in which the actors of the system take part. In a second step, we discuss the interest of considering the intrinsic elements of the start-up for the implementation of a business intelligence process. Our understanding of the specific elements of the start-up, such as its adhocratic structure, allowed us to implement tools consistent with the importance of the human dimension and the resources that the company can mobilize. We organized the creation of knowledge from the information cycle, proposed a first evaluation of the economic intelligence process in place and deduced the envisaged extensions. In a fourth step, we focused on the use of patents to understand our technological domain. Carried out in a research-action approach (within the framework of a CIFRE agreement), this thesis presents the experimentation of our business intelligence method within Poietis, a French bioprinting start-up.
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