Three evaluations of anti-discrimination actions.

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Summary In France, numerous empirical studies have highlighted the existence and extent of discrimination against certain demographic groups on the basis of one or more criteria in a particular market. Most of these studies have focused on discrimination in hiring and in access to housing, based on gender, origin and place of residence. In response to these difficulties, many public policy measures have been put in place to remedy them. However, studies aimed at evaluating them on a rigorous basis remain very rare or non-existent. In this doctoral thesis, we are interested in evaluating the effectiveness of three actions to combat discrimination based on gender, origin and place of residence in the fields of employment and housing. In access to private employment (Chapter 1), we examine whether individual entrepreneurship, encouraged by French President Emmanuel Macron during his November 14, 2017, speech on "Politique de la Ville" in Roubaix, is an effective way to circumvent gender, origin, and place of residence discrimination in the labor market. We are interested in entrepreneurship through business takeovers. In access to public employment (Chapter 2), we are interested in evaluating the new actions for equality and diversity in recruitment implemented within the Ministry of National Education since 2014: through the modification of the rules for constituting juries, the sensitization of juries to discrimination, the modification of recruitment modalities, as well as the professionalization of competitive exams, with a reduction in the number of tests, and a change in their content. This last aspect is the main point of the reform of the system of external competitive examinations for the various categories of the Ministry of National Education. We examine the impact of this reform of the professionalization of competitive examinations on the chances of success for candidates who are potentially discriminated against because of their gender or place of residence, as well as on the biases of evaluation on the part of jury members. In access to housing (Chapter 3), we evaluate the effect of an action aiming to reduce discrimination according to origin by means of a letter sent by the Defender of Rights to real estate agencies with a high risk of discrimination.
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