The digital transformation of the legal world.

  • CASSAR Bertrand
  • MACREZ Franck
  • ZOLYNSKI Celia
  • ZORN Caroline
  • DEFFAINS Bruno
  • MARTIAL BRAZ Nathalie
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Summary The history of our society is inseparable from that of legal professionals. The latter constitute the link between the litigant and the State. They guarantee, in particular, the implementation of its regal prerogative to say the law and to render justice. Any change in their activities has repercussions on all citizens. For about fifty years, the judicial and legal professions have been undergoing profound changes, both through successive modifications of their status and through the appearance of computer techniques. The phenomenon of digital transformation has been further enhanced by the availability of open data, encouraging the emergence of players offering digital services to the legal world and to litigants, the LegalTech. These entities, like legal publishers, promote the diffusion of techniques within practices, as well as consolidate their activities as intermediaries.
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