
The grandparent complement. Daily arrangements, family solidarities and social inequalities through the lens of grandparents' care of young children.

Articulation travail-Famille, Child development, Childcare, Développement de l’enfant, Early childhood, Garde grand-Parentale, Grandparental childcare, Grandparents, Grands-Parents, Inégalités sociales, Modes de garde et d’accueil, Petite enfance, Politiques sociales et familiales, Social and family policies, Social inequalities, Work-Family arrangements

Having a second child and access to childcare: evidence from european countries.

011, 22, Childcare, Education, Female employment, Fertility, J13, J16, JEL Classification Numbers J11

Having a Second Child and Access to Childcare: Evidence from European Countries.

Childcare, Education, Female Employment, Fertility

The Impact of Family Policies on Fertility Trends in Developed Countries.

Birth, Child birth, Childcare, Economic Growth, Fertility

Having a Second Child and Access to Childcare: Evidence from European Countries.

Childcare, Education, Female Employment, Fertility

The Great Convergence: Gender and Unpaid Work in Europe and the United States.

Childcare, Division of labour, Europe, Gender differences, Housework, Time diary data, Time use, United States of America, Unpaid work

The Great Convergence? Gender and Unpaid Work in Europe and the United States.

Childcare, Europe, Gender, Housework, International comparison, Time use, United States of America, Unpaid work

Can daddies learn how to change nappies? Evidence from a short paternity leave policy.

Childcare, Division of labor, Gender, Housework, Paternity leave, Policy evaluation

Can daddies learn how to change nappies? Evidence from a short paternity leave policy.

Childcare, Division of labor, Gender, Housework, Paternity leave, Policy evaluation

New spouse, same chores? The division of household labor in consecutive unions.

Childcare, Divison of domestic labour, Domestic work, Gender, German socio-economic panel data, Germany, Household chores

The Impact of Center-Based Childcare Attendance on Early Child Development: Evidence From the French Elfe Cohort.

Étude Longitudinale Français depuis l'Enfance (Elfe), Child development, Childcare, Crèche, Early childhood, France, Étude Longitudinale Français depuis l’Enfance Elfe

The Time Cost of Raising Children in Different Fertility Contexts: Evidence from France and Italy.

Childcare, Cost of children, France, Gender, Italy, Leisure time, Paid and unpaid work, Parents, Time cost of children, Time use