
Covid-19 | Crossed perspectives on the crisis.

Confinement, Coronavirus, Covid-19, Crise financière, Crise sanitaire, Décision, Environnement, Famille, IA, Intelligence artificial, Masque, Pandémie, Première vague, Responsabilité juridique, Risques, Santé, Société, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL

Pandemic economics: Optimal dynamic confinement under uncertainty and learning.

Confinement, Covid, Learning, Pandemic, Uncertainty

A singular management of the health crisis, a decentralized health system under great tension.

Accès aux soins, Confinement, Covid 19, Hôpital, Inégalités de santé, Professionnels de Santé, Suède, Système de santé

Life within four walls: work and sociability in times of confinement.

Bien-être, Confinement, Covid-19, Education, France, Tâches domestiques, Télétravail

In the eye of the storm.

Bien-être, Confinement, Covid-19, Santé, École à la maison

The year of the Covid in France or the story of a double containment.

Bien-être, Confinement, Covid-19, Inégalités numériques, Télétravail

Containment for all, hardship for some. The results of the first wave of the CoCo project survey.

Confinement, Covid-19, Inégalités de genre, Santé mentale, Stratification sociale

Life after confinement: return to normal or search for a new course?

Confinement, Covid 19, France, Interactions sociales

Life within four walls: work and sociability in times of confinement.

Bien-être, Confinement, Covid-19, Education, France, Partage genré des tâches, Télétravail

In the eye of the storm. French society after a month of confinement.

Confinement, Covid-19, Déconfinement, Ecole à la maison, France, Santé

Life after confinement: return to normal or search for a new course?

Confinement, Covid-19, France, Panel

Containment for all, hardship for some. The results of the first wave of the CoCo project survey.

Confinement, Covid-19, France, Genre, Inégalités sociales, Santé, Stratification sociale