
Mean Field Type Control with Congestion (II): An Augmented Lagrangian Method.

Augmented lagrangian, Congestion, Mean field type control

Mean field type control with congestion.

Congestion, Mean field type control, Weak solutions

Mean Field Type Control with Congestion.

Congestion, Mean field type control, Weak solutions

Mean Field Type Control with Congestion (II): An Augmented Lagrangian Method.

Augmented lagrangian, Congestion, Mean field type control

Empirical analysis of Italian electricity market.

Congestion, Forecast, Interdependency, Interdépendance, Prediction

Intermittent renewable generation and network congestion: an empirical analysis of Italian Power Market.

Congestion, Electricity markets, Renewable production, Zonal prices

Empirical analysis of Italian electricity market.

Congestion, Forecast, Interdependency, Interdépendance, Prediction

Renewable Generation and Network Congestion: An Empirical Analysis of the Italian Power Market.

Congestion, Day-ahead market, RES generation, Zonal pricing

Remarks on existence and uniqueness of Cournot-Nash equilibria in the non-potential case.

Best-reply iteration, Congestion, Continuum of players, Cournot-Nash equilibria, Non-symmetric interactions, Optimal transport

Optimal monopoly pricing with congestion and random utility via partial mass transport.

Congestion, Monopoly spatial pricing, Partial optimal mass transport, Random utility

Optimal monopoly pricing with congestion and random utility via partial mass transport.

Congestion, Monopoly spatial pricing, Partial optimal mass transport, Random utility

Remarks on existence and uniqueness of Cournot-Nash equilibria in the non-potential case.

Best-reply iteration, Congestion, Continuum of players, Cournot-Nash equilibria, Non-symmetric interactions, Optimal transport