
Introduction: Wealth and savings behavior, the contributions of the 2010 wealth survey.

Crise économique, Epargnant, Patrimoine

Economics and common sense: studies of social representations of the economic crisis and the euro.

Crise économique, Economic crisis, Economic rationality, Euro, Rationalité économique, Représentations sociales, Social representation

Law and financial crisis: regulation and settlement of banking and financial disputes.

Banque, Conflit, Crise économique, Droit bancaire, Droit financier, Finance

The theoretical framework of economic policy: what developments?

Crise économique, Macroéconomie, Politique économique

Measuring the shutdown: Generating economic information about containment.

Crise du Covid-19, Crise économique, Nowcasting, Économie française

The impact of the financial crisis on the performance of conventional monetary policy in the euro area.

Crise économique, Politique monétaire, Zone Euro

Money. A political issue.

Banque, Crise économique, Création monétaire, Monnaie, Politique monétaire, Régulation, Système monétaire international, Économie monétaire

Social relations and adjustments to the crisis: a comparative Franco-British microstatistical analysis.

Appareil productif, Comparaison, Crise économique, France, Relations professionnelles, Royaume-Uni

Economic and ecological crisis: let's dare to make breakthrough decisions.

Covid, Crise écologique, Crise économique

Did workers' exposure to psychosocial risks increase during the 2008 economic crisis?

Crise économique, Enquête Santé et itinéraire professionnel, Mobilité professionnelle, Risques psychosociaux

The effects of the economic crisis on exposure to psychosocial risks and the mental health of workers.

Crise économique, Risques psychosociaux, Santé mentale, Travailleurs