
The structural determinants of carbon prices in the EU-ETS.

Analyse empirique, Applied microeconomics, Carbon markets, Climate policy, Comportement des firmes, Empirical analysis, Eu ets, Firm behavior, Marchés carbone, Microéconomie appliquée, Politique climatique, SEQE

Manufacturing sectors in the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme.

Allocation gratuite de quotas, Analyse de décomposition, Analyse entrée-sortie, Benchmarking, CO2 emissions, Decomposition analysis, Eu ets, Free allocation, Input-output analysis, Manufacturing sector, Sceqe, Secteur manufacturier, Émissions de CO2

Manufacturing sectors in the EU ETS.

Allocation gratuite de quotas, Analyse de décomposition, Analyse entrée-sortie, Benchmarking, CO2 emissions, Decomposition analysis, Eu ets, Free allocation, Input-output analysis, Manufacturing sector, Sceqe, Secteur manufacturier, Émissions de CO2

The european union emission trading scheme and energy markets : economic and financial analysis.

Carbon finance, Cross-market price discovery, EU ETS, Economie de l'énergie, Economie du changement climatique, Econométrie financière, Energy economics, Equilibre partiel, Finance carbone, Financial econometrics, Fuel switching, Processus de découvert de l'information, SCEQE

EU ETS, Free Allocations and Activity Level Thresholds. The devil lies in the details.

Activity level thresholds, Carbon trading, Cement, EU ETS, Free allowance allocations

An economic and ex-post analysis of the effects of carbon pricing on the European electricity sector.

CO2 emissions, Electricity markets, Energy-climate policies, Eu ets, Europe, Marchés électriques, Pass-through, Politiques climat-énergie, Rentes, Rents, Émissions de CO2

In search of the carbon price : The european CO2 emission trading scheme : from ex ante and ex post analysis to the protection in 2020.

Carbon offsets, Climate policy, Crédits carbone, EU ETS, Emission trading, Evaluation ex post, Ex post evaluation