
Markov games with frequent actions and incomplete information.

Hamilton-Jacobi equations, Incomplete information, Markov games, Repeated games, Zero-sum games

Games with incomplete information: from repetition to cheap talk and persuasion.

Games, Incomplete information

Cooperation in incomplete information: some strategic models.

Commitment, Contract, Contrat, Cooperation, Engagement, Incentives, Incitation, Incomplete information, Information incomplète

Bayesian repeated games and reputation.

Bayesian game, Discounting, Incentive compatibility, Incomplete information, Individual rationality, Infinitely repeated game, Private values, Public good, Repeated game, Reputation

Feasibility and individual rationality in two-person Bayesian games.

Game Theory, Incomplete Information, Repeated Games, Solution concept

Parameter estimation of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process generating a stochastic graph.

Asymptotic properties of estimators, Incomplete information, Inference for stochastic process, Stochastic graph process

Keeping the Agents in the Dark: Private Disclosures in Competing Mechanisms.

Competing Mechanisms, Folk Theorems, Incomplete Information, Private Disclosures, Signals, Universal Mechanisms

The Value of Markov Chain Games with Incomplete Information on Both Sides.

Incomplete information, Lack of information on both sides, Markov chain, Mertens-Zamir system, Repeated games, Stochastic games, Zero-sum games

Contracts as a Barrier to Entry: Impact of Buyer's Asymmetric Information and Bargaining Power.

Excessive entry, Exclusionary behavior, Foreclosure, Incomplete information