
Experimental Evidence on Gender Interaction in Lying Behavior.

Asymmetric information, Extensive vs intensive margin, Gender studies, Lies, Ultimatum Game

Lying about Delegation.

Communications strategy, Delegation of responsibility, Dishonesty, Lies, Ultimatum game

Profession and deception: Experimental evidence on lying behavior among business and medical students.

Business administration, Communication, Deception, Lies, Medicine, Survey data

Truth-telling under Oath.

Deception, Experiments, Expérience en laboratoire, Lies, Mensonge, Serment à dire la vérité, Truth-telling oath

Truth Telling Under Oath.

Deception, Laboratory Experiment, Lies, Truth-telling oath

Truth-telling under Oath.

Deception, Laboratory Experiment, Lies, Truth-telling oath

Dishonesty under scrutiny.

Deception, Dishonesty, Experiment, Lies, Social image

Cheating in the Lab Predicts Fraud in the Field: An Experiment in Public Transportation.

Cheating, Dishonesty, Experiment, External validity, Fare-dodging, Field experiment, Fraud, Information, Justification, Lies, Public transportations

Dishonesty under scrutiny.

Deception, Dishonesty, Experiment, Lies, Social image

Dishonesty in the field and in the lab: Self-justification and transparency.

Cheating, Dishonesty, Experiment, Fraud, Information, Justification, Lies

Dishonesty in the lab predicts dishonesty in the field: An experiment in public transportations.

Cheating, Dishonesty, Experiment, Fraud, Information, Justification, Lies

Dishonesty in the lab predicts dishonesty in the field: An experiment in public transportations.

Cheating, Dishonesty, Experiment, Fraud, Information, Justification, Lies