
The difficult government of health by the market. The case of voluntary nutritional progress charters.

Dispositif, Instrument, Obésité, Santé publique

The difficult government of health by the market.

Devices, Dispositifs, Instruments, Interests, Intérêts, Obesity, Obésité, Public health, Santé publique

Dynamics of frailty and changing socioeconomic conditions among the elderly: an application to panel data from the SHARE survey.

Données d'enquête, Enquête SHARE, Facteurs socioéconomiques, Fragilité, Richesse, Santé publique

Annex 9: "Inra's 2010 food behaviors.

Alimentation de la jeunesse, Alimentation de l’enfant, CESC, Enseignement, Environnement, Nutrition, Partenariats, Politique alimentaire, Politique publique, Projet éducatif, Restauration collective, Santé publique, Éducation, Éducation transversale

Persuasive Communication and Engaging Communication for Health Promoting healthy behaviors with media, the Internet, and serious games.

Communication engageante, Persuasion, Publicité, Santé publique, Serious game

Differences in health status in France: inequalities of opportunity or a reflection of risk behaviors?

Politiques publiques, Santé publique, Économie de la santé

Health, health care utilization, and social capital: a microeconometric analysis of immigration-related inequalities.

Econométrie, Health and Inequality, International Migration, Migration internationale, Public Health, Réseaux de sociabilité, Santé publique, Social and Economic Stratification