
Having it all, for all: Child-care subsidies and income distribution reconciled.

Child care and women’s career choices, Child care subsidies, Redistribution, Social norms

Caregivers in the Family: Daughters, Sons and Social Norms.

Formal and informal, LTCDaughters, Social norms, Sons

Caregivers in the family: Daughters, sons and social norms.

Formal and informal, LTCDaughters, Social norms, Sons

Laws and norms: Experimental evidence with liability rules.

Behavioral law and economics, Legal norms, Liability rules, Social norms, Social preferences

Laws and Norms: Experimental Evidence with Liability Rules.

Behavioral law and economics, Legal norms, Liability rules, Social norms, Social preferences

Marriage, Labor Supply, and Home Production.

Assortative mating, Bargaining, Collective models, Gender identity, Search-matching, Social norms, Structural estimation, Time uses

Perceived social norm and behavior quickly adjusted to legal changes during the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19, Laws, Public policy, Social distancing, Social norms

Nudging and Subsidizing Farmers to Foster Smart Water Meter Adoption.

Behavioural economics, Choice experiment, French farmers, Nudges, Smart water meters, Social norms

Three essays in applied microeconomics : of norms and networks.

Discours haineux, Goût pour l’image, Hate speech, Image concerns, Normes sociales, Social norms, Verrouillage de marché, Vertical foreclosure

Efficiency versus gender roles and stereotypes: an experiment in domestic production.

Gender inequalities, Gender roles, Household models, Social norms, Stereotypes

Efficiency versus Stereotypes: an Experiment in Domestic Production.

Allocation du temps, Comportement des ménages, Experiment, Expérience, Fonction de production, Household behavior, Household production, Intra-household decision-making, Normes sociales, Prise de décision dans les ménages, Production domestique, Production function, Social norms, Stéréotypes, Time allocation