
Retirement behaviours, housing demand and housing markets : a dynamic analysis.

Analyse structurelle, Cycle de vie, Dette, Dynamiques Macroéconomiques, Décisions individuelles, Epargne, Housing, Immobilier, Long-term care insurance, Retirement, Retraite, Saving

Individual preferences, retirement, health prevention and dependency: microeconometric applications.

Dépendance, Economics of aging, Health, Long-term care, Prevention, Prévention, Retirement, Retraite, Santé, Économie du vieillissement

Intergenerational risk-sharing and risk-taking of a pension fund.


Stakeholders in Pension Finance.

Cotisations définies, Defined benefit, Defined contribution, Interest rate risk, Longevity risk, Pension, Prestations définies, Regulation, Rente viagère, Retirement, Risque de longévité, Risque de taux d'intérêt, Règlement, Régimes de retraite, Variable annuities

Extension of social coverage and reform of the pension system in Morocco.

Emploi informel, Extending coverage, Extension de la couverture retraite, Informal employment, Microsimulation, Pension systems, Retirement, Retraite, Système de retraite

Collateral effects of a pension reform in France.

Difference-in-Differences analysis, Health, Pension Reform, Retirement

Collateral Effects of a Pension Reform in France.

Difference-in-Differences analysis, Health, Pension Reform, Retirement

Balancing the pension system: which reforms for which objectives?

Demande de travail, Départ en retraite, Econmetrics, Econométrie, Evaluation des politiques publiques, Labor demand, Labor supply, Microsimulation, Offre de travail, Pension systems, Policy evaluation, Retirement, Retirement behavior, Retraite, Système de retraite

Retirement, Early Retirement and Disability: Explaining Labor Force Participation after Fifty-Five in France.

Disability, Retirement

The preference for retirement: tests for measuring a complex parameter.

Départ en retraite, Préférence, Retirement

Essays on family support for the elderly and its allocation.

Ageing, Aide informelle, Allocation, Dépendance, Gender, Informal care, Long term care, Retirement, Retraite, Vieillissement

Working longer and living healthier : essays on retirement, health, and caring responsibilities in France.

Ageing, Health, Long-term care, Politiques publiques, Public policies, Retirement, Retraite, Santé, Soins de longue durée, Vieillissement